Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of The War On Drugs - 1638 Words

Many cities in America are facing sluggish economic recovery, stagnant or failing wages among the lowest-income earners and budget constraints for social welfare programs (1)resulting in more than 46.7 million people in poverty. Poverty in America, and the violence and crime that stems from it helps sustain the most prosperous and corrupt industry of them all, prisons. Most people assume the â€Å"War on Drugs† was launched in response to the crisis cause by crack-cocaine in inner city neighborhoods. This view supports that racial disparities in drug convictions and sentences, as well as the rapid explosion of the prison population, reflect nothing more than the government’s zealous efforts to address rampant drug crime in poor, minority neighborhoods. This view while understandable, given the sensational media coverage of crack in the 1980’s and 1990’s, is simply wrong. In fact, the war on drugs began at a time when illegal drug use was on the decline. However, during this time period, a war was declared, causing arrest and convictions for drug offenses to skyrocket, especially amongst people of color. The War on Drugs plays a major part in the incarceration of African-Americans. In the â€Å"New Jim Crow† reading the (3) CIA admits to helping smuggle contrabands into communities heavily populated by people of color in order to disrupt and immobilize African-American movements. Crack and heroin were the most popular drugs smuggled into these communities due to their highlyShow MoreRelatedThe War On Drugs And America s Drug Problem1878 Words   |  8 PagesSpitz D Block 5/19/2016 The War on Drugs Based on the success and failures of the drug policies of the past, what is the best strategy for the United States to implement to help America’s drug problem? Throughout time, United States drug policy has shifted dramatically. 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On a seemingly primal level, humans have always had some incessant need to alter their state of consciousnessRead MoreEssay on The War On Drugs1079 Words   |  5 PagesIn recent years the so-called â€Å"war on drugs† has taken over the streets and back alleys of suburban America. It has caused a problem that mirrors the prohibition days of the 1920’s and early 30’s. Politicians trying to play â€Å"tough guy,† are only contributing to more violence. Their laws have created an underground drug-trade, in which modern drug-dealers have taken the place of the bootleggers of old. The real quest ion is whether or not this â€Å"war† is working. Most people would like to believe thatRead MoreBudget And Policy Paper1597 Words   |  7 PagesPaper War on Drugs Bridget Brown, Shaketra Jones, Matt Anderson, Jerry Carter, and Lisa Rivers CJA/464 Matthew Kite October 20, 2014 More than 45 years ago President Richard Nixon announced and declared the nation is at war, that war was the War on Drugs. Nancy Reagan campaigned heavily in the fight against drug use as well; her fight was that of teaching young children the slogan of â€Å"Just Say No†. The goals of the criminal justice system in the war on drugs haveRead More America And The War On Drugs Essay1216 Words   |  5 Pagesother countries with problems. Why does America care about what is happening in other countries like Columbia, when they have their own problems with drugs? The Untied States of America has a rather large drug trafficking problem but compared to Columbia it is fairly small. To help Columbia solve their problem the U.S. senate has decided to send troops over there and take control. This new involvement will have many consequences in and what can you make for instance the cost of a war, the loss and gain

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